deskspace 1.05

deskspace 1.05

There are many organization tools out there in the market, and it’s hard for new applications to stand out from that massive crowd. However, that’s something deskspace does very well. It is not your typical “do this and do that” app where you write down the stuff you want to do, and then the app forces you to stick by that.

A Unique Organization App

This deskspace 1.05 Crack manages to stand out from the crowd because of its calming and straightforward character. But how exactly does it do that? It’s apparent already when we try to launch this app. We’re greeted by a collection of drawings, likef a tree, a notepad, a coffee mug, and a character. These give the app a more laid-back feel.

These elements all play a different role, though. Each one is good for something, and they are all unique in their way. Firstly, the tree helps you set the right mood for you to do the work, as you can put decorations to it and add the colors that fit your mood.

Then, the notepad acts as a sort of reminder of things you need to do today. The coffee is the reminder that tells us to take a break from time to time. Then the character function will say to you and remind you of the things you’ve promised yourself to do this day. There are also extra options here, such as the sound on/off function, and the full-screen option.


deskspace 1.05 Crack Download 2023 is an organizing app that brings something different to the table. It’s very different from your typical productivity apps because it uses a more laid-back approach to keep you productive. It has several elements that keep you accountable but also help you set the tone for the rest of the day.

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Technical details

  • Latest version: deskspace 1.05
  • File name:
  • MD5 checksum: DFD6BA401D711926128CF1E4DC185A36
  • File size: 18.7 MB
  • License: Free
  • Supported OS: Windows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7
  • Author: npckc

Download Link: nvPY Crack

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