NFOPad 1.80

NFOPad 1.80

NFOPad is an NFO viewer that helps you view and edit the text inside NFO files while also supporting ASCII and ANSI character schemes so that you’ll be able to edit them no matter what keyboard and language you use.

If you’re looking for a simple yet comprehensive NFO tool that will help you open and edit these files, then you can use NFOPad 1.80 Crack.

It’s a similar application to Notepad, although it has several other more powerful features that help you edit NFO files and DIZ and TXT files easily.

You can download it for free and use it for your personal or professional means.

Simple Interface and Easy to Use

NFOPad 1.80 Crack Download 2023 is designed for the everyday user of computers. It has a very simple interface and a plain window that quickly allows you to import files using the app’s file browser system.

You can do that by simply dragging and dropping the files you want to open and view inside this tool. Then, you can start editing them.

You will have some basic options and editing features included inside this NFOPad 1.80. You can view all of the editing features at the top of the main window.

Some of the main and basic editing tools include undo, cut, copy, paste, deleting the lines, changing cases, and searching the document using the search function.

Configure Font and Advanced Editing

In addition to being user-friendly, this tool has more going for it. In terms of features, it’s a bit more advanced than Notepad, for example. Of course, you can edit your text and your files with the simple editing tools that are available inside the interface.

But you’ll also have some neat editing features that you won’t find in some other editors.

For instance, you can jump to your preferred line inside the document with just a click. You can also see the current date and time and select all text that you want to edit.

You can also use the word wrapping mode and use the automatic window widths to keep things as automated as possible.

There are also some more advanced settings and features you can use with this NFOPad 1.80. For example, you can use alpha blending, as well as disable the text editing ability.

You can select the text encoding mode and open web browsers with the tool when you click on a link. You can send the file with just a click inside the client to send them via email.


NFOPad 1.80 Free Download is a neat NFO editor and viewer that lets you see and edit these files easily. It has all the basic editing tools that you’ll need from such an application.

But it also has some very nice advanced features that you’re unlikely to find in other text editors, such as Notepad, for example. So it’s meant for both beginners and advanced users who want to edit NFO documents as well as use more advanced settings.

NFOPad Serial Key


NFOPad Product Key


NFOPad License Key


NFOPad Keygen


Technical details

  • Latest version: NFOPad 1.80
  • File name: nfopad18.exe
  • MD5 checksum: 16DF01EB2B5FCADCEE5FC57A401BB722
  • File size: 1.44 MB
  • License: Free
  • Supported OS: Windows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7
  • Author: True Human Design

Download Link: SlingPlayer Crack

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